Bail Bonds in Alpharetta Allow Criminal Defendants to Be Released Before Trial

Sometimes a criminal defendant is released on his or her own recognizance before trial. No bail is required, but the individual must sign a statement agreeing to appear for all scheduled court dates. Usually, however, defendants are required to pay cash bail or collateral substituting for cash. A surety bond from an agency also can be provided. For Bail Bonds Alpharetta residents must pay a service fee and meet all qualifications, after which the defendant can be released. How Bail Amounts Are Set In many cases, bail is set automatically by a schedule that includes the more common crimes. Otherwise, the defendant will be brought to a bail hearing as early as possible. At this time, a judge decides on bail after considering factors such as the severity of the crime, any prior offenses and attachment to the community. The Need for Swift Release When it comes to Bail Bonds Atlanta residents typically want the process to move as swiftly as possible. The defendant is eager ...